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Pico de las Nieves-northeast

CyclingUp: Pico de las Nieves-northeast

Region: Gran Canaria
Climbing effort: 853 cep
Elevation meters: 1113
Steepest kilometer: 9.8%

Steepest 250 m: 11%
Foot: 852 m    Top: 1939 m
Mean slope: 6.9%
Length: 15.9 km

From: Playa del Inglés
Road conditions (2022): excellent
Other race bikers: 5-10 per hour
Motor vehicles: 60-180 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (2/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: no

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Pico de las Nieves-northeast

Profile Pico de las Nieves-northeast

This climb from Vega de San Mateo is different in two ways from the other climbs on this site to the Pico de Las Nieves. Firstly, it bridges significantly less elevation meters (1113) than the other five climbs (a minimum of 1817). Secondly, the gradient of the road is much more constant. The ride begins in the relatively densely populated northeastern half of Gran Canaria so on the first 6 kilometers on the GC-15 there is still a lot of traffic. Here the road mostly has a gradient of 7%. However, after turning left onto the GC-600, there is much less traffic and after a kilometer, past Cueva Grande, the road gets steeper. Over the next 7 kilometers, 8-9% is the norm. Looking back you can see, thanks to the open landscape, the sea and Las Palmas. Where the road turns left into the forest, it is less steep for a few hundred meters to then reach the ridge again with the usual 8-9%. From there it is just under four kilometers to the Pico de las Nieves, from where you can see almost the whole island on a clear day.

Profile Pico de las Nieves-northeast Pico de las Nieves-northeast

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