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CyclingUp: Lorenapass-northwest

Region: Austria
Climbing effort: 470 cep
Elevation meters: 630
Steepest kilometer: 10.3%

Steepest 250 m: 12%
Foot: 441 m    Top: 1049 m
Mean slope: 5.1%
Length: 11.9 km

From: Haselstauden
Road conditions (2022): good
Other race bikers: 1-5 per hour
Motor vehicles: 10-30 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (3/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: no

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Profile Lorenapass-northwest

One could say that the start of the climb to the Lorenapass from the north lies in Alberschwende but on this website the ascent starts in Haselstauden, a district of Dornbirn. This extends the climb by 8 kilometers. The road (L49) climbs moderately steeply (4-8%) for the first 4 kilometers. After that it continues with a very small gradient (0-2%) until Alberschwende. The L49 has little traffic and is therefore much more pleasant for cyclists than the L7 and the more or less parallel L48 across the Bödele Losenpass. In Alberschwende, turn right just before the center. This is where the actual ascent and the most scenic part of the ride begins. It runs over a narrow road connecting Alberschwende with Schwarzenberg. There is little traffic and the landscape, consisting of a mosaic of forests, meadows and farms, is pleasant. From Alberschwende the cyclist has to overcome 330 elevation meters over a distance of 4.1 kilometers. The slope of the road changes continuously. The final one and a half kilometer form the steepest part with an average gradient of 9.4%.

Profile Lorenapass-northwest Lorenapass-northwest

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