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CyclingUp: Klausenpass-east

Region: Switzerland
Climbing effort: 924 cep
Elevation meters: 1292
Steepest kilometer: 8.5%

Steepest 250 m: 9%
Foot: 662 m    Top: 1948 m
Mean slope: 5.9%
Length: 21.7 km

From: Linthal
Road conditions (2022): good
Other race bikers: 10-25 per hour
Motor vehicles: 60-180 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (4/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: yes

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Profile Klausenpass-east

The ascent from Linthal to the Klausen Pass can be divided into three parts, namely the first eight kilometers at, for passes, a "normal gradient" (7-8%), then six gently sloping kilometers (0-4%) and finally another seven kilometers at 7-8%. The ride runs through an impressive landscape of steep and high mountains. In the first part one will hardly note this, because the road lies almost at the bottom of the valley and runs mostly through the forest. However, from the beginning of the easy, middle part, the Urner Boden, the landscape is open so that the peaks are visible. A continuous mountain face of gray rock rises along the right side of the road and in the direction of the valley. On this side the Ortstock (2716 meters) is the highest point. On the left the mountains are less steep but more snow-covered. The highest point on that side, lying near the pass, is the Clariden (3267 meters). It seems that the Swiss engineers have been commissioned to vary the gradient of the road as little as possible. In the first part of the climb all five hundred meter segments, except for the first segment, have a slope of 7 or 8%. Similarly all segments of the last seven kilometers tilt 7 or 8%, except for two segments which have a 6 and a 9% dip. Did the engineers make a mistake here? By the way, it should be said that the road surface is often excellent and that there is relatively little traffic.

Profile Klausenpass-east Klausenpass-east

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