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Passo di Gavia-north

CyclingUp: Passo di Gavia-north

Region: Italian Alps
Climbing effort: 1032 cep
Elevation meters: 1432
Steepest kilometer: 11.2%

Steepest 250 m: 13%
Foot: 1199 m    Top: 2618 m
Mean slope: 5.6%
Length: 25.2 km

From: Bormio
Road conditions (2023): average
Other race bikers: >25 per hour
Motor vehicles: 60-180 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (5/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: yes

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Passo di Gavia-north

Profile Passo di Gavia-north

The climb from Bormio to the Passo di Gavia is one of the most beautiful climbs that I know, exactly like his brother from the other side (from Ponte di Legno). The first 12 kilometers until San Caterina Valfurva hardly contribute to this top rating. In this part the wide, somewhat busy road, whose slope varies between -2 and 9%, runs more or less straight ahead. Immediately after Santa Caterina the ride becomes a real pleasure. Here the road is much narrower and with ten hairpin bends the road, that is now continuously steep (mostly 7-9%), winds upwards through a beautiful forest. High peaks become visible behind the trees. After crossing the tree line the road runs in a wide curve bent to the right towards the Passo di Gavia. At one point, however, the road deviates sharply and briefly to the right. It is precisely in this deviation that the steepest section of the entire ascent, including a kilometer of 11.2%, begins. There are also short passages that are even steeper. I had a hard time here, also because of the thin air. Luckily the 6 remaining kilometers after this steep section were easier (1-8%). All around there are high, steep mountains that are impressive. To the left a glacier appears in the distance (Ghiacciaio di Dosegú). Shortly before the pass you cycle past a lake (Lago Bianco), which has a wonderful turquoise color if the sun shining.

Profile Passo di Gavia-north Passo di Gavia-north

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