The Zoncolàn is most notorious for its western ascent from Ovaro, which has to this day (2017) been included four times in the Giro d'Italia, but also the eastern ascent from Sutrio, once included in the Giro until 2017, is noteworthy. That's not because of the first ten kilometers of the ride, which take place on a wide, quiet street. Here the slope is mostly 8-9%, except for the first two and the last one and a half kilometers, which are a bit easier. After the first ten kilometers you are at the foot of the ski resort of Zoncolán, from where the trip continues on a narrow road along the ski slopes. There are three and a half kilometers left, which will make the climb extremely hard. Three sections with a slope of at least 15%, are alternated by less steep parts, which in this case still have a gradient of 11-12%. The utmost was demanded from me during the last of the three very steep sections, starting at a ski bridge less than one kilometer before the pass. Here the destination is already, steeply upwards, visible and it is clear that the road leads there in an almost straight line. The five-hundred-meter interval of the profile has an inclination of 17% and the steepest 250 meters reach a slope of 20%. Luckily, the last few hundred meters before the pass are less bad.