Les Deux Alpes looks like a mecca for downhill bikers, so many of them are seen in this place. What would they think of race cyclists who love climbing most of all? Coming from the direction of Bourg d'Oisans, most cyclists presumably choose to drive on the D1091 to the Lac de Chambon and thence to Les Deux-Alpes. In this way the entire trip takes place on a busy, wide road. Furthermore, 65 elevation meters are lost in a descent. The ascent proposed on this site is much more pleasant, since it largely takes a narrow, quiet road and since descents are avoided. It starts in Le Clapier, follows the D1091 for two and a half kilometers and then turns sharply right onto a narrow unsigned road. During the following three kilometers the road winds upwards through the forest, making four hairpin bends. This is the toughest part of the climb (8-11%). This section is followed by another with a small slope (2-7%) and magnificent views while the road runs across an almost vertical cliff. Unfortunately, after the village of Bons the climb continues on the busy, wide road towards Les Deux-Alpes. There are still four fairly steep (8%) kilometers ahead. The finish is situated at the Office de Tourisme at the beginning of the village. It is advisable to continue a little further into the village taking the wide street to look around in this tourist resort with the impressive Roche de la Muzelle (3465 meters) at the background.