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Col du Tra-northeast

CyclingUp: Col du Tra-northeast

Region: French Alps
Climbing effort: 486 cep
Elevation meters: 694
Steepest kilometer: 8.6%

Steepest 250 m: 10%
Foot: 661 m    Top: 1310 m
Mean slope: 5.5%
Length: 11.8 km

From: Aime
Road conditions (2022): good
Other race bikers: 1-5 per hour
Motor vehicles: 30-60 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (2/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: no

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Col du Tra-northeast

Profile Col du Tra-northeast

The most direct road connection between Aime and Moûtiers is the N90 through the valley of the Isère but for cyclists this road is dangerous. Many parts of the road are bordered by a cycle lane but the lane is mostly narrow, and cars and motorcycles drive fast. It is noteworthy though that the Tunnel de Siaix, which constitutes a part of the N90 here, is not an insurmountable obstacle because separated from the road a "galérie de securité" has been built, which can be used by cyclists. For those who tend to like cycling upwards, two alternatives exist, one on the orographic right bank of the Isère (the D85 and the D85b across the Côte de Montgirod-Hautecour) and one on the orographic left bank of the Isère (the D88 via the Col du Tra, described here). These are quiet or very quiet routes, the roads are not wide and sometimes even very narrow, and generally have many bends and hairpin bends. In short, these alternatives are great for road cyclists. The number of elevation meters of the four climbs varies between 617 and 775.

Coming from Aime, the ascent to the Col du Tra begins at the bridge over the Isère. After a kilometer of cycling on the D220 (4-7%), turn right near Bonnegarde. For the next six kilometers the road winds upwards through the forest with six hairpin bends. The gradient of the 500 meter segments varies between 6 and 9%. After Longefoy the ride becomes easier. The ascent is even interrupted by a descent, in which 25 elevation meters are lost. Among the four climbs between Aime and Moûtiers this one is the busiest in terms of traffic.

Profile Col du Tra-northeast Col du Tra-northeast

Camping Les Erables . Tip! Ideal starting point for Col du Grand Colombier and Col de la Biche. Warm hospitality and swimming pool nearby.

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