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Col du Grand Colombier-northwest

CyclingUp: Col du Grand Colombier-northwest

Region: French Alps
Climbing effort: 1018 cep
Elevation meters: 1281
Steepest kilometer: 11.5%

Steepest 250 m: 13%
Foot: 247 m    Top: 1498 m
Mean slope: 5.9%
Length: 21.2 km

From: Artemare
Road conditions (2020): average
Other race bikers: 10-25 per hour
Motor vehicles: 10-30 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (4/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: yes

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Col du Grand Colombier-northwest

Profile Col du Grand Colombier-northwest

This climb from Artemare to the Col du Grand Colombier is an easier version of the hardest climb to the same pass. The first and last part of both climbs are identical but the ascent described here bypasses the most difficult section of the harder climb, the steepest kilometer of which slopes 15.5%, by not turning right in Virieu-le-Petit but by continuing straight ahead. In its entirety, I didn't find this climb very hard, partly because steeper sections are never very long and separated by easier passages. The steepest kilometer of the ride (11.5%) is encountered after about 16 kilometers of cycling, shortly before the two routes merge again at la Selle Fromentel. After la Sel Fromentel the road slopes only gently for one kilometer (3-4%), so one can recover but after that the last 2.5 kilometers to the pass offer some hard work again (average 10.1%). In addition to a sporting challenge, this climb also offers little traffic and a beautiful landscape. During the first 10 kilometers there are wide views and, if the weather is clear, the top of the pass provides a fantastic panorama over much of the French Alps including Mont Blanc, Vanoise and Écrins, all three at a distance of approximately 100 kilometers.

Profile Col du Grand Colombier-northwest Col du Grand Colombier-northwest

Camping Les Erables . Tip! Ideal starting point for Col du Grand Colombier and Col de la Biche. Warm hospitality and swimming pool nearby.

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