Region: Austria
Climbing effort: 708 cep
Elevation meters: 720
Steepest kilometer: 11.4%
Steepest 250 m: 12%
Foot: 865 m Top: 1585 m
Mean slope: 9.6%
Length: 7.5 km
From: Neuer Zoll
Road conditions (2019): average
Other race bikers: 0-1 per hour
Motor vehicles: 30-60 per hour
Scenery and road:
Restaurant or bar near top: yes
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The ascent from Neuer Zoll am Inn to the Pillerhöhe is pretty steep. The first 5.5 of a total of 7.5 kilometers have an average slope of 10.0% without major deviations to higher or lower values. Two kilometers after the start, the road leads through a village (Fließ). Before and after Fließ houses and meadows skirt the road. This offers a wide view of the Inn Valley and of many mountains, including the striking Hoher Riffler (3,168 m) to the west, still (in 2019) marked by a small glacier. There are a total of 10 hairpin bends in the route. Before the ninth, the road enters into the forest and after the last hairpin bend the road is less steep (8-9%). Turn right at a fork (the Pillerhöhe itself). The destination is a little over 200 meters further ahead at the Naturparkhaus Kaunergrat.