The climb from Prutz to the Pillerhöhe offers beautiful and wide views of the Inn Valley and of a large number of mountains all around. In addition, this climb offers some particularly steep sections. Among these the part beginning shortly before Kauns, after 2.5 kilometers of cycling, and ending shortly after Kaunerberg, is the most vicious. Here, during 3 kilometers 344 elevation meters are gained (average 11.5%) and the steepest kilometer (14.2%) in Austria on this website so far (2019) is found. After Kaunerberg still a distance of more than 5 kilometers must be covered to the highest point. First, the road gradually becomes less steep. There is a passage with lovely meadows and forests and even a descent where 38 elevation meters are lost. The last kilometer is then a little steeper (5-8%). The culmination point and thus the goal of the ride lie near the Naturparkhaus Kaunergrat, which is situated about 200 meters before reaching the Pillerhöhe itself.