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Forcella Staulanza-west

CyclingUp: Forcella Staulanza-west

Region: Italian Alps
Climbing effort: 544 cep
Elevation meters: 801
Steepest kilometer: 9.5%

Steepest 250 m: 11%
Foot: 998 m    Top: 1773 m
Mean slope: 5.3%
Length: 14.5 km

From: Caprile
Road conditions (2017): good
Other race bikers: 5-10 per hour
Motor vehicles: 60-180 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (3/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: yes

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Forcella Staulanza-west

Profile Forcella Staulanza-west

The scenerie of this ride is dominated by Monte Pelmo (3168 m). From Selva di Cadore, reached after five kilometers of cycling, one drives for a long time through a valley in an easterly direction, directly heading towards this impressive Dolomites giant. The tour starts just south of Caprile taking the SP20 towards Selva di Cadore. During the first, not really steep part (3-8%) the road runs in a valley through three unlit tunnels. So, bring some light! Then the road turns left and winds itself by means of five hairpin bends upwards to Selva di Cadore. This section harbours the steepest kilometer (9.5%) and the steepest section of 250 meters (11%) of the climb. After Selva the road passes some villages and over the first five kilometers the slope varies between -2 and +9%. During the final more than three kilometers, after the branch to the campsite, the broad street is a bit monotonous. The gradient is almost constant (6-7%) and the road runs through the forest. Luckily, there are five hairpin bends.

Profile Forcella Staulanza-west Forcella Staulanza-west

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