There are no less than four options to ride from St Jean-de-Maurienne to La Toussuire. Among these the climb of this webpage via, among others, Fontcouverte and La Rochette is the shortest and hardest. Ascents to French winter sports resorts unfortunately are not among the most inspiring climbs because the streets are mostly wide and busy and there are more picturesque locations than the arrival places. The ascent to La Toussuire is no exception to this rule, although the traffic wasn't that bad when I rode up here. In addition, I could, because the road hardly leads through the forest, enjoy numerous views, among others on the Aiguilles d'Arves (3510 m). However, on hot, sunny days the open terrain has the disadvantage that cycling occurs in the full sun. The ride begins in St-Jean-de-Maurienne at the bridge over the Arvan. Follow the signs to the Col de la Croix de Fer. At the beginning the road climbs steeply and the steepest kilometer of the trip (9.3%) is encountered after just about three kilometers of cycling. After a little more than 4 kilometers biking, one leaves the road to the Col de Croix de Fer, turning right towards La Toussuire. The next eight kilometers are a bit easier with a gradient of mostly 6-7%. Them past La Rochette the first three kilometers have a slope of 8-9%. When you arrive in La Toussuire, turn right and one and a half kilometers remain until the finish, which is found where the road turns left.