It is a great pleasure to head for a less well known pass, often located outside the highest parts of the Alps, and let yourself be surprised by the road and its surroundings. In such cases the road is often narrow and with little traffic. This also applies to the ascent to the Col de la Couillole from St-Sauveur-sur-Tinée. The first 11 kilometers until Roubion run through a valley with abundant green vegetation and impressive, steep rock faces. The narrow road is winding, runs through some short tunnels and is located high above the deepest part of the valley. Shortly after the start, high up a village located on a very steep slope comes into sight in the direction of travel. It's the village of Roubion. After passing Roubion the cliffs disappear so the surroundings are less spectacular. The slope of the road is, from start to finish, pretty monotonous. Twenty-eight of the thirty-two 500-meter segments have a gradient of 7 or 8%.