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Col de la Biche-east

CyclingUp: Col de la Biche-east

Region: French Alps
Climbing effort: 1002 cep
Elevation meters: 1128
Steepest kilometer: 11.3%

Steepest 250 m: 13%
Foot: 260 m    Top: 1298 m
Mean slope: 6.7%
Length: 15.5 km

From: Seyssel
Road conditions (2020): moderate
Other race bikers: 1-5 per hour
Motor vehicles: <10 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (4/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: no

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Col de la Biche-east

Profile Col de la Biche-east

Just like the Col du Grand Colombier, the Col de la Biche crosses the north-south running ridge of the Grand Colombier, with the Biche lying some 5 kilometers northward of the Col du Grand Colombier. The climb to the Col de la Biche from Seyssel on the Rhône is a wonderful ride for the real climber. There is hardly any traffic on the street which is pleasantly steep. The first more than two kilometers from the Rhône to the D991A are still easy but after turning left from the D991A, the next kilometer has a gradient of 11.3%. Though this is the steepest kilometer of the entire trip, it won't be much easier for quite a while. Of the next seven kilometers, five slope 10% or sometimes even a little more. In this section, the road mostly leads through the forest. That changes in the last 5 kilometers of the climb, in which the landscape is more often open. This is the most beautiful part of the ride. When the weather is clear, the impressive Mont Blanc is visible. Here the slope varies more (2-9%) and two kilometers before the pass the highest point (1320 meters) of the route is passed. This is followed by a descent in which 78 meters of altitude are lost and then by another ascent of 62 meters of altitude before reaching the pass, which is inconspicuously located in the forest. Finally, it is worth mentioning that the road surface is wavy almost everywhere so the descent is uncomfortable.

Profile Col de la Biche-east Col de la Biche-east

Camping Les Erables . Tip! Ideal starting point for Col du Grand Colombier and Col de la Biche. Warm hospitality and swimming pool nearby.

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