The Hornisgrinde is the highest mountain in the northern Black Forest, at 1163 meters. This website contains information about two ascents to the Hornisgrinde. Here the climb beginning in Ottenhöfen is described, which is, in my opinion and in all respects, inferior to his greater brother, the climb from Achern. It contains less elevation meters (855 vs 1031), it is much easier (537 vs 858 climb effort points), the scenerie is less beautiful and there is much more traffic. The profile is monotonous with a gradient of mostly 6 or 7% between Seebach (after 2 kilometers cycling) and the junction, at which the Schwarzwaldhochstraße is reached 7 kilometers further. From this junction one rides the next five kilometers along this road, which seems to seduce many car drivers and motorcyclists to a sporty way of driving. The best part of the trip is the last one and a half kilometers from the Mummelsee over a barred, steep (around 9%) road to the finish at the Hornisgrindeturm, which is situated just over 500 meters from the top of the Hornisgrinde.