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CyclingUp: Geutsche

Region: Black Forest
Climbing effort: 393 cep
Elevation meters: 425
Steepest kilometer: 13.2%

Steepest 250 m: 16%
Foot: 608 m    Top: 1030 m
Mean slope: 7.2%
Length: 5.8 km

From: Triberg
Road conditions (2018): good
Other race bikers: 0-1 per hour
Motor vehicles: 60-180 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (2/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: no

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Profile Geutsche

This climb takes a place in the history of German cycle racing. It was part of the track of the Grand Prix Triberg-Schwarzwald. This bike race, the last edition of which was in 2009, was considered the hardest single-day bicycle race in Germany. This was partly due to the steep Geutsche. Cyclingup's ride begins at the intersection of the 33 and the 500 near the Triberg train station. First, the track follows the moderately inclined main street (6-7%) of the city and then turns left after one and a half kilometers, where the main road continues with a curve to the right. The road soon gets straight and becomes viciously steep with a steepest kilometer of 13.2%. After leaving the city the slope decreases slightly. After about another kilometer the permanently closed inn Alte Geutsche is passed. After that, the landscape is open and attractive while the slope varies a lot. Too bad that the traffic is pretty heavy here. The climb ends at a three-way junction.

Profile Geutsche Geutsche

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