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CyclingUp: Eduardshöhe-north

Region: Black Forest
Climbing effort: 468 cep
Elevation meters: 600
Steepest kilometer: 11.5%

Steepest 250 m: 14%
Foot: 280 m    Top: 859 m
Mean slope: 5.0%
Length: 11.7 km

From: Freiburg
Road conditions (2015): good
Other race bikers: 5-10 per hour
Motor vehicles: 30-60 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (2/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: no

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Profile Eduardshöhe-north

This ascent to the Eduardshöhe combines the first part of the North ascent from Freiburg to Schauinsland with the final part of the North-west ascent from Au to the Eduardshöhe. In between lies a connecting part of two kilometers long. My preferred ride to the Eduardshöhe in the one from Au because beginning from Freiburg one misses the most beautiful and difficult section of the ascent from Au. However, it may be an advantage that the start of the North ascent is located almost in the heart of Freiburg. The trip begins at the foot of the Johanneskirche. The first six kilometer head almost straight southward to Bohrer and form a pleasant warming up (0-5%). At Bohrer one leaves the popular ascent to Schauinsland and the above-mentioned connection follows. It is moderately steep (7-9%) and brings the biker on a wide road to Langackern, where a nearly horizontal section waits until the end of the village Horben. Upon leaving this last village, a very steep section (a kilometer of 11.6%) begins. On passing the Buckhof one can relax a little, before going into the tough (average slope 10%) final one and a half kilometers. Here the road is inaccessible to cars.

Profile Eduardshöhe-north Eduardshöhe-north

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