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CyclingUp: Belchen-east

Region: Black Forest
Climbing effort: 623 cep
Elevation meters: 815
Steepest kilometer: 9.0%

Steepest 250 m: 11%
Foot: 545 m    Top: 1360 m
Mean slope: 7.4%
Length: 11.1 km

From: Schönau
Road conditions (2017): average
Other race bikers: 0-1 per hour
Motor vehicles: 10-30 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (3/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: yes

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Profile Belchen-east

This is a pretty hard climb because it is mostly steep and because it bridges 815 elevation meters. However, the road is nowhere really steep with a steepest kilometer of 9.0%. The ride starts at the fork of the B317 and the L142 north of Schönau. The first seven kilometers through the valley of the Aiternbach up to the road junction to the Belchenbahn are steep (typically 8-9%). The surrounding area consists of a mixture of meadows, forests and villages. If, at the road junction you continue towards the Wiedener Eck, then, two and a half kilometers further and 130 meters higher, Hohtannhütte (1180 m) is the highest point. The entire ascent from Schönau to Hohtannhütte covers 635 elevation meters and sums up to 478 climb effort points. We, however, turn left at the junction towards the Belchen (1414 m). At the parking lot of the Belchenbahn we keep to the right and take the unpaved road, which after 200 meters changes back again into a wide asphalted road. This part is pretty boring at first but is becoming more interesting towards the end. First we cross the cableway and then the summit of the Belchen and the Belchenhaus (1360 m) become visible. Our trip ends at the Belchenhaus. Under favorable conditions you will have a breathtaking view across the Black Forest, of the Vosges, the Jura and the Swiss Alps.

Profile Belchen-east Belchen-east

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