On this ascent from the south to the Ballon de Servance I had expected few cyclists but nothing turned out to be less true. This climb and its counterpart from the other side are popular among cyclists. This is with good reason because there is almost no traffic and the narrow road is fairly well paved. It's a shame that gravel (gravillons) covered the surface when I cycled here. The ride begins on the road from Plancher-les-Mines to the Col des Croix (D16) at the turnoff to Les Planches des Belles Filles. At first the road runs for almost five kilometers through the valley of the Rahin and climbing is easy (1-5%). However, where the road leaves the valley with a hairpin to the left, a more serious effort is required. The remaining six kilometers are pleasantly steep with an average of 7.7% and a steepest kilometer of 10.2%. The slope varies greatly especially on the last two kilometers, which comprise two almost horizontal sections. Unfortunately, nature is monotonous on both sides of the street: there are trees, trees and even more trees.