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Grosse Scheidegg-southwest

CyclingUp: Grosse Scheidegg-southwest

Region: Switzerland
Climbing effort: 989 cep
Elevation meters: 1013
Steepest kilometer: 12.3%

Steepest 250 m: 13%
Foot: 962 m    Top: 1962 m
Mean slope: 8.5%
Length: 11.8 km

From: Grindelwald
Road conditions (2023): average
Other race bikers: 10-25 per hour
Motor vehicles: <10 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (4/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: yes

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Grosse Scheidegg-southwest

Profile Grosse Scheidegg-southwest

If you want to see impressive peaks covered with snow and ice from a paved road, I can highly recommend the climb to Grosser Scheidegg from Grindelwald. While cycling up, you will find Eiger (3970 m) and Mönch (4107 m) behind you, and Schreckhorn (4078 m) and Wetterhorn (3692 m) on the right side, the last one in the vicinity of the pass. Another big plus is the small number of motorized vehicles during a large part of the trip. Over the almost seven kilometers ending at the pass after hotel-restaurant Wetterhorn, motorized traffic is forbidden, with the exception of post buses and cars with special permits. Here the road is so narrow, that sometimes you have to step aside when a post bus overtakes you or comes from the opposite direction. This section after the mentioned hotel-restaurant is demanding for cyclists. All 500 meter segments have a gradient of 10, 11 or 12%, the average gradient measures 10.9% and the last kilometer has a slope of 12.3%. Over the first 5 kilometers of the climb, from Grindelwald to the hotel-restaurant, normal traffic is allowed so in the beginning of the climb the road is quite busy. Fortunately there is less traffic after Grindelwald. This part is much easier (5.1%, on average) than the rest of the ascent already described above (Photos by Willem Bruijn).

Profile Grosse Scheidegg-southwest Grosse Scheidegg-southwest

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