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Fideriser Heuberge

CyclingUp: Fideriser Heuberge

Region: Switzerland
Climbing effort: 1272 cep
Elevation meters: 1258
Steepest kilometer: 12.5%

Steepest 250 m: 18%
Foot: 743 m    Top: 2001 m
Mean slope: 9.7%
Length: 13.0 km

From: Fideris Bahnhof
Road conditions (2020): bad
Other race bikers: 0-1 per hour
Motor vehicles: <10 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (3/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: yes

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Fideriser Heuberge

Profile Fideriser Heuberge

Warning: the road of this climb is unpaved over, in total, a distance of approx. 1 km. There are three unpaved sections all located in the first half of the route.

Not only these unpaved sections are an issue. Almost the entire climb from the train station at Fideris to the Fideriser Heuberge takes place on a bad road surface. To compensate, the road is exciting and narrow, there is hardly any traffic, one can enjoy beautiful views in northerly directions and the slope is steep. The first two kilometers until the village of Fideris are still relatively easy (6-9%) but the remaining just over eleven kilometers have an average slope of 10%. In Fideris itself the hard work starts immediately with the steepest kilometer of the ride (12.5%). Then, over the next 5 kilometers, the gradient fluctuates mostly between 9 and 10%. However, when the road begins to run southward in an almost straight line, cycling becomes even more strenuous with an average gradient of 10.5%. Then a relatively easy kilometer (9%) follows. At the bifurcation in the road just before the end you should then keep right towards hotel Arflina. The last 75 meters before the finish at this hotel include a 250 meters section of 18% with a deplorable road surface.

Profile Fideriser Heuberge Fideriser Heuberge

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