The Puerto del Pontón (pontoon in English) is a long ride but climbing is relatively easy. Only 3 out of the almost 25 kilometers are steeper than 5% and even these steeper kilometers do not exceed 7%. The beginning of the tour is difficult to define. Some cyclists may say that the tour starts in Cangas de Onís (60 m) but we begin at the junction of the N-625 with the AS-261 (330 m). At first the quiet road enters into an impressive canyon (Desfiladero de los Beyos). Then, it turns to the left and the steepest part of the ascent begins. The road winds upwards to Oseja de Sajambre, an idyllic small village with high peaks in the background. Still we have 11 kilometers ahead before reaching the pass (1282 m), which is a quite empty place. Most of the ascent takes place in the Picos de Europa National Park. It is said that the Picos de Europa got their name because they were the first sight of Europe for ships arriving from the Americas.