As so often in Asturias,
fog and clouds inhibited that I saw the mountain scenery of this climb
from Cuevas to Puerto de San Isidro in its full glory.
The steep cirque, in which the road winds boldly up halfway,
seemed certainly beautiful.
In general, the gradient of the road varies little.
Over the first 7.5 kilometers, 7% is the norm,
with, however, an outlier of 11% after 6 kilometers of cycling,
when leaving the cirque.
In the last three kilometers, 6% is the norm.
One could argue that the ascent does not begin in Cuevas
but lower in the valley in Cabañaquinta.
In that case, 364 meters in altitude and 99
climb effort points (cep) are added to the 779 meters in altitude
and 536 cep, which are collected from Cuevas.