The Vinschgauer Höhenstraße runs along the valley of the Vinschgau (in Italian Val Venosta), on the north slope and several hundred meters above the deepest part of the valley. The start and end points are the villages of Schluderns (Sluderno) und Laas (Lasa). I found the climb from the west, from Schluderns, superb. The ride takes place on a narrow road, on which there is almost no traffic, except on the first one or two kilometers. The road surface is of good quality (as of 2023) but the climb owes its superlatives above all to the view, the view of the valley with its villages and fruit trees, and of the many mountains behind it with the Ortler and other peaks of the Ortler group as eye-catchers. The ascent begins with a 500 meter long approach through Schluderns (average 0%). After turning left, the road is quite steep for the next 4.5 kilometers (7-11%), with significant variations at scales not resolved by the profile on this website (500 meters). After this steep start, the remaining 6 kilometers are much easier, often the road slopes 6% while the last kilometer tilts only 1%. The culmination point is at the turnoff to Unterfrini.