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Passo Pordoi-east

CyclingUp: Passo Pordoi-east

Region: Italian Alps
Climbing effort: 453 cep
Elevation meters: 638
Steepest kilometer: 8.3%

Steepest 250 m: 10%
Foot: 1601 m    Top: 2239 m
Mean slope: 7.0%
Length: 9.1 km

From: Arabba
Road conditions (2016): average
Other race bikers: >25 per hour
Motor vehicles: >180 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (4/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: yes

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Passo Pordoi-east

Profile Passo Pordoi-east

Among the eight ascents of the Sellaronda (four passes in two directions) the climb from the east to the Passo Pordoi is the hardest with 453 climb effort points. Nevertheless, this climb is by itself, without cycling the whole lap, not really difficult since there are only 638 elevation meters and since the slope is of moderate magnitude (7%) and very regular. There are dozens of hairpin bends between Arabba and the pass but these are not as impressive as for example the hairpin bends of the Passo dello Stelvio, which are much sharper. The scenic highlight is the last stretch before the pass with the mighty faces of the Sellamassif on the right and the Langkofel behind the pass.

Profile Passo Pordoi-east Passo Pordoi-east

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