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Monte Grappa-north

CyclingUp: Monte Grappa-north

Region: Italian Alps
Climbing effort: 1214 cep
Elevation meters: 1596
Steepest kilometer: 9.4%

Steepest 250 m: 13%
Foot: 322 m    Top: 1729 m
Mean slope: 4.8%
Length: 29.0 km

From: Cáupo
Road conditions (2021): average
Other race bikers: 1-5 per hour
Motor vehicles: 10-30 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (3/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: yes

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Monte Grappa-north

Profile Monte Grappa-north

The Monte Grappa (1775 m) is a monumental mountain. It borders directly on the Po Valley and rises above neighboring mountains. During the First World War, the Italians battled here with the Austrians. About 24,000 Italian and Austrian soldiers are burried in graves near the summit. The mountain, which can be climbed from many sides, is also well-known among cyclists. The ascent from the north described here is probably the easiest. Nevertheless, the 29-kilometer long ride includes 1597 elevation meters, partly because some descends interrupt the climb, so the lost elevation meters (189 in total) have to be compensated elsewhere. There are no long steep sections anywhere. The trip begins with a short approach ending at the village of Cáupo, immediately followed by the steepest kilometer (9.4%) of the whole climb. Here an eight kilometer long passage through the forest begins, in which the road continuously gains altitude (7.8% on average). I found this to be the most boring part of the ride. The next 18 kilometers are the most exciting. Net 612 meters in altitude are overcome but ascending and descending sections often alternate and here and there you can enjoy the view. Two 250 meter section that are far apart are quite steep (13%). After the confluence with the road from Bassano de Grappa, a bit more than two kilometers remain to the destination. In its highest parts the mountain is bare but I still didn't have much of a view. The atmosphere was very hazy, a quite common condition over and near the Po Valley.

Profile Monte Grappa-north Monte Grappa-north

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