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Pralognan-Les Prioux

CyclingUp: Pralognan-Les Prioux

Region: French Alps
Climbing effort: 559 cep
Elevation meters: 877
Steepest kilometer: 8.8%

Steepest 250 m: 10%
Foot: 880 m    Top: 1755 m
Mean slope: 5.2%
Length: 16.9 km

From: le Villard de Planay
Road conditions (2012): average
Other race bikers: 1-5 per hour
Motor vehicles: 10-30 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (3/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: yes

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Pralognan-Les Prioux

Profile Pralognan-Les Prioux

This climb follows a valley road in the Vanoise. It starts from the village of le Villard de Planay with some hairpin turns and a moderately steep slope (around 7%). The rest of the climb consists of three steeper parts (up to 9%) with easier phases in between. The end is at a car park near Les Prioux where in summer an amazingly large number of cars belonging to tourists hiking from Les Prioux into the mountains may be gathered. Though the road between Villard de Planay and Pralognan is marked as a "Route principale" on my road map, traffic is of a reasonable density. Traffic after Pralognan is light anyway. The most beautiful view is on the descent from Les Prioux to Pralognan when several peaks among which the Pointe de la Grande Casse decorate the background.

Profile Pralognan-Les Prioux Pralognan-Les Prioux

Camping Les Erables . Tip! Ideal starting point for Col du Grand Colombier and Col de la Biche. Warm hospitality and swimming pool nearby.

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