Starts at the bifurcation of the D73 and the N6 in Aiguebelle. The climb consists of two parts. The first part counts 280 elevation meters, is of moderate and regular steepness (mostly around 7%) and ends in the village of St-Georges-d'Hurtières. It is followed by a 1.5 km long descent, during which 90 elevation meters are lost. The second part of the climb starts at the bifurcation of the D73, D74 and the D207. At first it passes the last hamlets in the valley and climbs only gradually (around 4%) but after crossing the river at les Champs the road bends northward and becomes steep. From les Champs up to the pass it is a monotonous and hard climb of 560 elevation meters with a slope of around 8% through the forest and only interrupted by six hairpin turns. Though we saw few other bikers, perhaps due to the cloudy chilly weather, the Col du Grand Cucheron is very suitable for race bikers. Cars are rare and road conditions good. Until les Champs the landscape is variable. After les Champs views are sparse.