Steepest 250 m: 11%
Foot: 272 m Top: 958 m
Mean slope: 7.8%
Length: 8.8 km
From: St-Laurent
Road conditions (2012): good
Other race bikers: 0-1 per hour
Motor vehicles: <10 per hour
Scenery and road:
Restaurant or bar near top: no
This hidden pass, where I saw no other race bikers
and only five cars during my climb and descent,
is an Insider's tip.
The road is narrow so two oncoming cars can just pass each other
but road conditions are surprisingly good.
The climb starts where the D11 crosses the railroad
and then passes the villages of La Chapelle, St-Laurent
and Le Masdoux within the first 2.5 km.
After that the road is steep (mostly 8-10%) up to the pass.
Only about halfway, where a brooklet is passed,
there is an almost horizontal passage of a few hundred meters.
Though most of the climb takes place in forests,
there are fine views of Mont Blanc if the weather allows.
Camping Les Erables .
Ideal starting point for Col du Grand Colombier and Col de la Biche.
Warm hospitality and swimming pool nearby.