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CyclingUp: Teufelsmühle-west

Region: Black Forest
Climbing effort: 608 cep
Elevation meters: 736
Steepest kilometer: 11.7%

Steepest 250 m: 15%
Foot: 172 m    Top: 900 m
Mean slope: 6.5%
Length: 11.1 km

From: Gernsbach
Road conditions (2018): average
Other race bikers: 0-1 per hour
Motor vehicles: <10 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (2/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: yes

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Profile Teufelsmühle-west

Far in the north of the Black Forest, there are two climbs with a considerable number of climb effort points, or cep, namely two options to drive to the top of the Teufelsmühle. From the northeast, starting in Bad Herrenalb, the climb is easier (488 cep) than from the west (Start in Gernsbach, 608 cep). This difference is due to the number the elevation meters (736 for the western and 581 for the northeastern climb). The first five kilometers from the Gernsbach side run over the L564, a busy street connecting Bad Herrenalb with Gernsbach. With a maximum of 8%, the road is nowhere very steep in this part. Then, the route to Teufelsmühle turns right onto a quiet side street. From here, follow the signs to Teufelsmühle. The first kilometer on the side street is still easy (5-6%) but then, from the Rißwasenhütte, the road becomes steep. Most of the remaining three kilometers tilt 9-11%. Slightly less than a kilometer before the end the slope decreases a bit but the final ramp, including a section of 250 meters of 15%, is substantial.

Profile Teufelsmühle-west Teufelsmühle-west

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