The climb from Lautenbach to Sohlberg is one of the most beautiful in the Black Forest. The quiet, narrow street winds itself up through a steep, beautiful valley with meadows, fields and forests. Early May the meadows are full with dandelions and flowering fruit trees. This ride is a great joy for the true climber. The road is mostly steep (at least 8%) and there are two sections where cyclists are truely tortured (up to 13% for the 500 meter sections). The route is easy to find except when reaching the ridge of the hill. Here one should turn sharply to the left and continue straight at a junction 100 meters further on. Another 300 meters are still missing to the finish which is located at the place where the tarmac road turns to the right. Pay attention when descending to Lautenbach because the pavement is in a bad condition (2016) .