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CyclingUp: Schauinsland-east

Region: Black Forest
Climbing effort: 643 cep
Elevation meters: 765
Steepest kilometer: 12.0%

Steepest 250 m: 14%
Foot: 435 m    Top: 1200 m
Mean slope: 6.7%
Length: 11.3 km

From: Oberried
Road conditions (2015): good
Other race bikers: 1-5 per hour
Motor vehicles: 60-180 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (2/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: yes

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Profile Schauinsland-east

In addition to the ascents beginning in Freiburg and the Münstertal, this is the third option to climb by bike to the Schauinsland. It includes some very steep sections. We begin the ascent, coming on the L126 from Kirchzarten, at the first exit to Oberried. First the road winds through Oberried, parallel along the main road. When leaving the village, one takes the main road again. We follow the busy road, which is initially not that steep (mostly 3-5%), to the south. After three and a half kilometers, near the junction to St. Wilhelm, the road gets considerably steeper (9-10%). One and a half kilometer further, at the Bergwildpark Steinwasen, we then turn to the right in the direction of Hofsgrund. The road remains wide and steep (still 9-10%) but it is more quiet here. Just before getting to Hofsgrund, the first very steep section (13%) has to be overcome. In the village itself, the slope becomes somewhat milder (7-8%). After driving past a church on the right side of the road, the route turns to the right at a parking lot to take a hard but quiet short-cut. Here you find the steepest kilometer (12.0%) of the ride. First the road bends back towards the church and then turns left. Then, at an intersection, continue straight and turn again right and left. One kilometer after the parking lot, the agony ends when the Panoramastrasse (L124) is reached. here we turn to the right to roll easily (3%) one more kilometer to the finish.

Profile Schauinsland-east Schauinsland-east

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