This climb leads through a typical Black Forest landscape. First a village, then a valley with farms and meadows and finally, in the upper part, forests. This route to Ruhestein is usually quiet but during holidays and weekends motorcycles and Porsches can be a real plague. The ride begins in Ottenhöfen. The first one and a half kilometers are easy (1-5%) but then it gets slightly steeper (6%) in a very beautiful valley. One of villages in this valley bears the strange name "Unterwasser". The last two and a half kilometers before the junction near Allerheiligen have a constant slope of 9%. At the bifurcation we turn left towards Ruhestein. Next, 13 elevation meters are lost in a descent. After crossing a brook, a steep section is waiting (one kilometer of 8-10%). The ride is completed with a stretch of more than five kilometers with a gentle slope (mostly 2%) until the Schwarzwaldhochstraße is reached at Ruhestein.