The climb from Oppenau to Ruhestein covers a relatively long distance (19 kilometers) and runs mainly through the Lierbachtal. The slope is easy but there are two exceptions. The first steep section (7-9%) starts at the parking lot of the Allerheiligen falls after seven kilometers of cycling and ends two kilometers further on. After that steep section follows a descent and about one and a half kilometers further on Allerheiligen is reached. This place consists of ruins of a monastery and forms a tourist attraction. After Allerheiligen the road starts to climb again up to the fork of the roads to Ottenhöfen and Ruhestein. We head for Ruhestein. First, 13 elevation meters are lost in a descent. After crossing a brook, one continues with the steepest kilometer of the entire climb (9.3%). The ride is completed with a stretch of more than five kilometers with a gentle slope (mostly 2%) until the Schwarzwaldhochstraße is reached at Ruhestein.