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CyclingUp: Hohloh-northwest

Region: Black Forest
Climbing effort: 576 cep
Elevation meters: 800
Steepest kilometer: 10.7%

Steepest 250 m: 12%
Foot: 184 m    Top: 984 m
Mean slope: 6.4%
Length: 12.5 km

From: Hilpertsau
Road conditions (2014): average
Other race bikers: 0-1 per hour
Motor vehicles: 30-60 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (3/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: no

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Profile Hohloh-northwest

Among the climbs in the northern part of the Black Forest, the tour to the top of the Hohloh is one of the most challenging. The first 4 kilometers until the village of Reichental are moderate to easy with the slope not exceeding 7%. The challenge mainly resides in the 3 kilometers starting in Reichenbach with the slope ranging between 8 and 11%. The remaining 5.5 kilometers are easier again (up to 6%). As to the landscape, much of the tour winds through forests. Around Reichenbach, characterized by typical timber-frame houses, the road follows a beautiful valley with farmlands. During the last few kilometers the forest becomes more open which allows views to the Rhine valley and the Vosges. Also, the finish of the climb, the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Turm (984 m) situated near the summit of Hohloh (988 m) is visible on the right hand side. Many cyclists will regard the col of Schwarzmiss (933 m) as the finish, skipping the final kilometer (50 m; 30 cep).

Profile Hohloh-northwest Hohloh-northwest

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