The Brandenkopf is an attractive destination for the true climber. This mountain can be climbed on paved roads from three sides. All variants are steep to very steep. This especially holds for the last one and a half kilometers up to the summit. These start at a crossing named Bettelfrau (beggar woman in English) and is identical for the three ascents. This final ramp contains two extremely steep 250 meter sections (14 and 13%). In addition, the road surface of this part is miserable but as a reward for the effort there is a "Wanderheim" with terrace at the end. Among the three ascents to the Brandenkopf the western variant, described here, is the hardest. The ride begins in Unterharmersbach. During the first three kilometers the road leads through a landscape with meadows and farms. Here the slope is moderate (6-9%). In the distance the radio mast near the top of the Brandenkopf can be seen. When one enters the forest, the hard work begins on a two and a half kilometer section with a slope of between 9 and 11%. A bifurcation marks the end of this section. From the left comes the north ascent to the Brandenkopf. We take the road to the right and on the following two kilometers to Bettelfrau (1-7%) we may recover somewhat and prepare mentally for the final ramp.