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CyclingUp: Schiestlscharte-northwest

Region: Austria
Climbing effort: 402 cep
Elevation meters: 493
Steepest kilometer: 10.0%

Steepest 250 m: 12%
Foot: 1533 m    Top: 2024 m
Mean slope: 7.5%
Length: 6.5 km

From: Sackelalm
Road conditions (2019): good
Other race bikers: 5-10 per hour
Motor vehicles: 60-180 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (2/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: yes

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Profile Schiestlscharte-northwest

This ascent to the Schiestlscharte is part of the Nockalmstraße, a tourist attraction. In my opinion it's a pretty nice road but I've seen better ones. The road is not really calm and loved by motorcyclists. The surrounding area is full of nature but not spectacular. The road is wide and hardly anywhere particularly steep. The Nockalmstraße includes two passes and lacks significant side streets. The lowest point between the two passes is located at the Sackelalm. The ascent of this web page begins at this alm. The first kilometer is yet easy (2-5%) but is immediately followed by the steepest kilometer of the climb (10.0%). Over the remaining 4 kilometers the slope of the 500-meter intervals varies between 6 and 10%. Totally, 493 elevation meters are gained in this ride.

Profile Schiestlscharte-northwest Schiestlscharte-northwest

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