Kaltenbrunnen is a high-altitude settlement consisting of modern, mostly spacious, detached houses and a restaurant, which, however, was closed even the sunny Sunday in June when I biked here. The climb to the settlement starts in Egg and first runs along the main road towards Schwarzenberg. After a little less than a kilometre the route turns right and up to the hamlet of Kammern the cycling remains relatively easy (3-6% from Egg to Kammern). After that hamlet and over the remaining 3.5 kilometres the work gets serious. The gradient fluctuates mostly around 10% but from the Gasthof Alpenrose the road is considerably steeper (13%). The ride ends at the end of the asphalt. Except for the first kilometre, the road is narrow and very quiet. All over the route the road is well-paved. The views over the hills of the Brengenzerwald are wonderful.