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Collet du Linge

CyclingUp: Collet du Linge

Region: Vosges
Climbing effort: 375 cep
Elevation meters: 565
Steepest kilometer: 7.5%

Steepest 250 m: 9%
Foot: 410 m    Top: 975 m
Mean slope: 6.4%
Length: 8.8 km

From: Stosswihr
Road conditions (2014): good
Other race bikers: 0-1 per hour
Motor vehicles: 10-30 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (3/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: no

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Collet du Linge

Profile Collet du Linge

This is a climb of moderate and rather constant steepness, ending at the Cimetière Allemand. The Linge was a first world war battlefield, where in 1915 one of the bloodiest confrontations of the war took place, resulting in 17000 deaths. The cycling trip starts where the D5b splits from the road to the Col de la Schlucht (D417). Soon after the village of Hohrod is passed, straight ahead and almost 300 meters higher up Hohrodberg with its huge hotel becomes visible. In wide serpentines and surrounded by meadows the road winds its way up to this next goal. There are wide views on the Vallée de Munster with its namegiving small town. The final two kilometers the road is skirted by forests. A strange monument is situated on the left hand side of the road, just a hundred meter before the war cemetery and the col are reached.

Profile Collet du Linge Collet du Linge

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