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CyclingUp: Grimselpass-south

Region: Switzerland
Climbing effort: 596 cep
Elevation meters: 793
Steepest kilometer: 9.5%

Steepest 250 m: 14%
Foot: 1368 m    Top: 2161 m
Mean slope: 7.0%
Length: 11.4 km

From: Oberwald
Road conditions (2010): good
Other race bikers: 1-5 per hour
Motor vehicles: 30-60 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (2/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: yes

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Profile Grimselpass-south

Follows road number 19 from Oberwald in the Rhone valley and then deviates at Gletsch from this road to take road number 6 up to the Grimselpass. Until Gletsch there are a few moderately steep (5-7%) kilometers through the forests, followed by a steeper passage (8-9%) of 1.5 km through a narrow part of the Rhone valley. Gletsch, where the road bifurcates into branches to the Furkapass and the Grimselpass, lies, in terms of elevation meters, about halfway the ride, with another 400 meter to go. After Gletsch the climb takes place on a treeless slope and the road winds itself up with seven hair pin turns. The first few hundred meters after the bifurcation are the steepest part of the climb with a 250-meter-section of 14%. The road is quite busy before Gletsch but calmer beyond. The landscape is beautiful but I have no opinion about the final part, where I only saw fog.

Profile Grimselpass-south Grimselpass-south

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