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Val di Rhêmes

CyclingUp: Val di Rhêmes

Region: Italian Alps
Climbing effort: 855 cep
Elevation meters: 1241
Steepest kilometer: 11.4%

Steepest 250 m: 13%
Foot: 681 m    Top: 1903 m
Mean slope: 5.3%
Length: 23.1 km

From: Villeneuve
Road conditions (2024): average
Other race bikers: 1-5 per hour
Motor vehicles: 30-60 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (2/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: yes

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Val di Rhêmes

Profile Val di Rhêmes

The climb from the Aosta Valley through the Val di Rhêmes is long (23 kilometres) and not steep, at least on average (5.3%). The steepest part of the ascent lies halfway the ride, starting shortly after Rhêmes-Saint-Georges. In that part, 358 metres of altitude are covered in 4 kilometres (an average of 9.0%), with the steepest kilometre sloping at over 11%. This passage also contains the first of a series of 6 tunnels. Though these are lit, I did not find my own lights an unnecessary luxury. Shortly after the tunnels, from Mélignon, reached after almost 15 kilometres of cycling, I had the first view of snow-covered mountains that close off the valley (including Pointe Calabre, 3445 m). From here on, the landscape is more beautiful and the road becomes increasingly quieter. As a whole, the Val di Rhêmes did not make the impression of being very touristy.

Profile Val di Rhêmes Val di Rhêmes

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