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Val di Bresimo

CyclingUp: Val di Bresimo

Region: Italian Alps
Climbing effort: 1131 cep
Elevation meters: 1359
Steepest kilometer: 12.8%

Steepest 250 m: 15%
Foot: 595 m    Top: 1911 m
Mean slope: 6.6%
Length: 19.9 km

From: Ponte Mostizzolo
Road conditions (2023): moderate
Other race bikers: 0-1 per hour
Motor vehicles: 10-30 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (3/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: yes

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Val di Bresimo

Profile Val di Bresimo

I found the climb from the Val di Sole into the Val di Bresimo really strenuous. Firstly, a significant number of meters in altitude (1359) must be be climbed. Also, the road between Bagni (after 10 kilometers of cycling) and the Malga (Italian for mountain pasture) Bordolona (8.5 kilometers further) is steep, here and there even very steep. This section has an average gradient of 9.4% but some shorter passages are significantly steeper. The hardest part is the passage just before reaching the Malga Bordolona, which has some hairpin bends. It includes both the steepest kilometer (12.8%) and the steepest 250 meter segment (15%) of the ride. In addition, the ride is hard due to the poor road surface (as of 2023) over the last approximately 5 kilometers. The first 10 kilometers of the climb take place on a wide road and are relatively easy (-3 to 9%). Also, the one and a half kilometers between the Malga Bordolona and the Malga Preghena, at the end of the ascent, are not difficult (maximum 8%). On the Sunday, when we were cycling here, we encountered quite a few cars full of Italians, driving to the Malgas for a hike or for a meal in one of the restaurants.

Profile Val di Bresimo Val di Bresimo

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