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Val del Monte

CyclingUp: Val del Monte

Region: Italian Alps
Climbing effort: 494 cep
Elevation meters: 732
Steepest kilometer: 9.1%

Steepest 250 m: 12%
Foot: 962 m    Top: 1684 m
Mean slope: 5.3%
Length: 13.7 km

From: Cusiano
Road conditions (2023): moderate
Other race bikers: 1-5 per hour
Motor vehicles: <10 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (3/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: yes

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Val del Monte

Profile Val del Monte

If you cycle from the Val di Sole into the Val di Peio, you come after 10 kilometers, at the end of the built-up area of Peio Fonti, at a fork in the road. There you can choose between two options to continue climbing, namely to the right a short (another 2 kilometers), slightly steeper ascent (average 8.3%) ending in the village of Peio, or to the left a slightly longer (another 4 kilometers) but less steep ascent (average 6.4%) through the Val del Monte. In both cases you have to cycle the first 10 kilometers on a wide, busy road. Of these, the first 6 kilometers are not very interesting (0-6%) while the last 4 kilometers are more fun thanks to six hairpin bends and some fairly steep sections (maximum 10%). After the fork in the very touristy Peio Fonti both routes are significantly quieter in terms of traffic. This is especially true for the continuation through the splendid Val del Monte, where cars are banned during the day. While the slope measures a moderate 6.4%, on average, it varies enormously. Over the steepest 250 meter segment, 30 meters in altitude are overcome (12%).

Profile Val del Monte Val del Monte

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