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Schliniger Tal

CyclingUp: Schliniger Tal

Region: Italian Alps
Climbing effort: 719 cep
Elevation meters: 924
Steepest kilometer: 10.1%

Steepest 250 m: 13%
Foot: 914 m    Top: 1829 m
Mean slope: 6.1%
Length: 15.1 km

From: Glurns
Road conditions (2023): average
Other race bikers: 1-5 per hour
Motor vehicles: 60-180 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (3/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: no

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Schliniger Tal

Profile Schliniger Tal

The climb through the Schlinigertal (Val Slingia in Italian) begins in Glurns (Glorenza). Because the main road to the Reschenpass (SS40) is busy, the route of this website begins with the Vinschgauer Radweg along the Etsch (Adige). The first four kilometers are easy (1-5%), but the following two kilometers between Schleis (Clusio) and Burgeis (Burgusio) include some extremely steep passages, too short to be resolved in the profile with its 500 meter segments. In Burgeis turn left onto a wide, steep road to gain height with the help of four hairpin bends (5 kilometers at 7-10%). This part of the ascent offers an impressive panorama over the highest part of the Vinschgau (Val Venosta) with the mountains of the Ortler group in the background. After the turnoff to the chairlift in Prämajur, there are two kilometers with a gentle slope (1-4%) and a short ramp (9%) ending in the village of Schlinig (Slingia). At the end of the village a traffic sign forbids bikers to continue the tour. Anyone who keeps cycling anyway on the asphalted path, which is much more narrow than before, paying attention to the hikers, can gain another 2 kilometers and 110 meters in altitude before the asphalt ends. The mountains here are wonderful.

Profile Schliniger Tal Schliniger Tal

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