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Radweg Glurns-Haidersee

CyclingUp: Radweg Glurns-Haidersee

Region: Italian Alps
Climbing effort: 377 cep
Elevation meters: 557
Steepest kilometer: 9.8%

Steepest 250 m: 12%
Foot: 914 m    Top: 1465 m
Mean slope: 5.8%
Length: 9.6 km

From: Glurns
Road conditions (2023): good
Other race bikers: >25 per hour
Motor vehicles: >180 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (3/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: no

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Radweg Glurns-Haidersee

Profile Radweg Glurns-Haidersee

A cycle path that is well separated from the road (SS40) runs through the entire Vinschgau (Val Venosta in Italian), from Meran (Merano) to the Reschenpass (Passo di Resia). This path is called the Val Venosta bicycle track and for relaxed racing cyclists it is much more pleasant than the busy, parallel SS40. The cycle path is 85 kilometers long, in total. The toughest section is located between Glurns (Glorenza) and the Haidersee (Lago della Muta) and is described here. In this part 557 meters in altitude are climbed over just under 10 kilometers. The excellently paved (as of 2023), approximately 2 meter wide cycle path runs along the Etsch (Adige), almost without unnecessary bends and descents and looking backwards during clear atmospheric conditions, the impressive Ortler becomes visible. The hardest part of the climb is found between Schleis (Clusio) and Burgeis (Burgusio) and includes 250 meter segments of 11 and 12% but it contains shorter passages that are significantly steeper.

Profile Radweg Glurns-Haidersee Radweg Glurns-Haidersee

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