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Passo Cibiana-northeast

CyclingUp: Passo Cibiana-northeast

Region: Italian Alps
Climbing effort: 676 cep
Elevation meters: 765
Steepest kilometer: 10.7%

Steepest 250 m: 12%
Foot: 774 m    Top: 1536 m
Mean slope: 8.0%
Length: 9.6 km

From: Ven`s di Cadore
Road conditions (2017): average
Other race bikers: 0-1 per hour
Motor vehicles: 10-30 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (4/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: yes

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Passo Cibiana-northeast

Profile Passo Cibiana-northeast

What a wonderful climb! There are beautiful mountains, a winding road with a slope (often 9-10%) that is pleasant for climbers and little traffic. Is that enough? What a pity for most cyclists that the Passo Cibiano is so unknown. They miss it. I have not seen any other road biker here. To cycle this pass, take the turnoff from the SS51 to the Passo Cibiana. First there is a descent. Then, at the bridge across the river, the actual ascent begins. The first 1.5 kilometers are quite steep (8-10%). Then the road turns right, leads into a side valley and gets less steep. Soon the route continues through the village of Cibiana di Cadore. I am often surprised how big remote Italian villages are. This also applies to Cibiana di Cadore. Here you can take nice pictures of the village with the Sassolungo di Cibiana (2413 m) in the background. After the village the, for climbers, most interesting part of the ride begins, a section of four and a half kilometers in length with a slope of 9-11%. Only a few hundred meters before the pass, cycling becomes a bit easier (7%).

Profile Passo Cibiana-northeast Passo Cibiana-northeast

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