The road over the Col de la Ramaz was probably mainly
built as an access road to the settlement of
Le Praz-de-Lys, a pleasant-looking winter sports resort
without high-rise buildings.
This road will be little used
as a connecting route, because Mieussy and Taninges,
the villages where the climb starts on either side of the pass,
are also connected by a much shorter road through the valley.
The road over the pass is therefore quiet in terms of traffic
and makes a round trip from Taninges
over the pass and via Mieussy possible.
Almost the entire climb from Mieussy takes place
in an open landscape.
This provides, especially in the first half of the ride,
beautiful panoramic views
of mountains and green hills with Mont Blanc as the crowning glory.
Unfortunately during most of the time this mountain is situated
behind the climbing cyclist.
In the first 8 kilometres, the slope
of half of the 500-meter segments is 8%;
the other half of the segments are less steep.
This is followed by a 2.5 kilometer traverse,
which includes a well-lit tunnel
and the steepest part of the ride (a kilometer at 10.4%).
To conclude the ride,
the moderately steep (3-9%) road runs
through a wide, beautiful valley towards the pass.