This is a scenic and varied climb via a narrow, almost perfect tarmac road with very little traffic. Much better does not exist. Too bad that the last two kilometers are less enjoyable. The ride begins in Wagensteig, first leads slightly uphill (5%) through a small valley, where the route then turns sharply to the left. Here it becomes steeper. The last part through the woods and the first parts in the open fields are the hardest with a kilometer of 10.3%. In addition, the slope varies considerably here, with a maximum of 13% for the steepest 250 meter section. After this steep section the road mostly continues on a ridge, gaining more and more height. This is the nicest part of the ascent with magnificent panoramic views and a landscape of fields, forests and farms. Again, the gradient varies considerably but it's never steep over longer distances. The final two kilometers on the main road are moderately steep (about 7%) and form a disappointing end.