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CyclingUp: Moosenberg

Region: Black Forest
Climbing effort: 502 cep
Elevation meters: 549
Steepest kilometer: 13.7%

Steepest 250 m: 17%
Foot: 260 m    Top: 809 m
Mean slope: 7.2%
Length: 7.6 km

From: Vor-Kirnbach
Road conditions (2018): good
Other race bikers: 0-1 per hour
Motor vehicles: 10-30 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (3/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: no

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Profile Moosenberg

This is a scenic climb on a low-traffic street and with a viciously steep section about a kilometer before the end, between the Staighof and the Kreuzhof. Here the steepest 250 meter strip slopes no less than 17%. The first four kilometers run through the elongated village of Kirnbach and gradually become steeper (2 to 8%). Shortly after the end of the village, the road divides. At the fork turn right towards Grafenloch. The most beautiful part of the ridecomes next, a valley with a number of farms, surrounded by forest. This part ends with the very steep section already described. After the two curves near the Kreuzhof, the worst is over. From here steadily keep to the right until a crossing in the middle of meadows is reached. The crossing is marked by a hiking sign named Moosenberg and forms the end of the ascent.

Profile Moosenberg Moosenberg

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