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CyclingUp: Sulzberg-east

Region: Austria
Climbing effort: 347 cep
Elevation meters: 422
Steepest kilometer: 10.1%

Steepest 250 m: 14%
Foot: 596 m    Top: 1014 m
Mean slope: 6.4%
Length: 6.5 km

From: Unterlitten
Road conditions (2023): excellent
Other race bikers: 5-10 per hour
Motor vehicles: 60-180 per hour
Scenery and road: circle landscape (3/5)
Restaurant or bar near top: yes

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Profile Sulzberg-east

I unfortunately only have a single picture of this climb. I would be very happy, if you took photos during this ride and then send them to me. It is important that the road is visible in the pictures. Cyclists may also appear on the photos, but rather in the background. I will mention your contribution in this text.

The village of Sulzberg is located on the top of a hill in the Bregenzerwald. There are four access roads leading up through a beautiful landscape consisting of a mosaic of meadows and forests, and higher and lower hills. From the village one has a wide view over the Bregenzerwald and, behind it, of higher parts of the Alps. I found the landscape surrounding the climb of this webpage, beginning at the bridge over the Weissach near Unterlitten, utterly beautiful. The road itself is also nice because it is narrow and winding, and its surface is almost perfect. Unfortunately, these major plus points are partially offset by the relatively dense traffic. The elevation profile of this short climb (6.5 kilometers) shows large fluctuations in the slope. The gradient of the 500 meter segments varies between 3 and 11%. The steepest 250 meter strip (14%) lies just after the start, while the steepest kilometer (10.1%) is located towards the end of the ascent.

Profile Sulzberg-east Sulzberg-east

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